The requested product supplier is Tomaselli Merceria with registered office in Via Barbaro Forleo 24 - 72021 - Francavilla Fontana (BR) - Italy

Right of withdrawal for the consumer (d.lgs. 206/2005)

It consists in the possibility – granted to the consumer for contracts concluded outside the commercial premises (at home, by street, by mail, etc.) or for contracts distance (via internet, by telephone, etc.) – to unilaterally decide to dissolve the contractual bond with the seller ENTRO 30 GIORNI from the stipulation of the same, thus obtaining the return of the price paid.
The term to exercise the right of withdrawal decorates:
–For goods, from the day of their receipt by the consumer,
–For services, from the day of conclusion of the contract.
If the goods are delivered, the consumer is required to return within 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods.
The refund of the price paid must take place free of charge, in the least possible time and in any case within 30 days from the day on which the seller has come to know the exercise of withdrawal by the consumer.

In accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 (and subsequent modifications and integrations), the Consumer Customer, where unsatisfied with the products or the content of the services purchased at the Seller, may return the products themselves or renounce the right to the performance of the services and obtain the refund of the price already paid in advance payment.
Operating mode:To this end, the Customer must contact the Seller within 30 days after the delivery of the products or within 30 days after the purchase of the services by e-mail at, containing all the necessary information and useful for a correct processing of the return and refund practice.This communication must necessarily contain all the following:

a.the express desire of the Customer to withdraw in whole or in part from the purchase contract;

b.the number and copy of the document (invoice – transport document) demonstrating the purchase of the order in respect of which the right of withdrawal is intended;

c.the description and codes of the Products with respect to which the right of withdrawal is exercised.

The re-accreditation will be carried out by the Seller within 3 days of receipt of the communication by mail mentioned above in the case of services, within 3 working days of receipt of the products made in case of goods.
Following the receipt of the communication with which the Customer communicates his/her wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Seller, verified the correspondence to the above requirements, will agree, also via e-mail, with the Customer the modalities with which to return the products.


The products must be returned intact and complete with all the accessories in their original packaging and with proper packaging, together with the copy of the receipt and/or invoice received within 30 days from receipt of the order.


•The card present on the articles rendered (where provided) should not be cut and should be intact as receiving item.

•Articles must not have been opened, washed or altered and must not show any signs of use.

•Each item or accessory must be returned with all the original labels, packaging and accessories received together with the order.

•If you receive defective goods, or in case of incorrect shipments by Tomaselli Merceria, you can follow the above instructions.

•Return costs are borne by the buyer and the refund will be issued by deducting the shipping costs paid during checkout.In case of orders with free shipping will not be deducted any amount inherent in the shipment.


• Tomaselli Merceria reserves the right to refuse unauthorized returns.

• Tomaselli Merceria will not accept the returned goods if the return does not comply with all the above terms and conditions.In these cases the goods will be returned to the sender.